The Queen Elisabeth Competition is an independent non-profit association (asbl/vzw), run by a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee. A permanent team of seven collaborators takes care of the daily management.
Board of Directors
Jan Huyghebaert
Vice-president: Count Yvan de Launoit
Secretary to H.M. the Queen: Machteld Fostier
Members: Marc Clémeur, Kathleen Coessens, Baron Bert De Graeve, Peter de Caluwe, Baroness Alison de Maret, Baroness Kristine De Mulder, Serge Dorny, Knight Paul Dujardin, Michel Eeckhout, Bernard Foccroulle, Gilles Ledure, François le Hodey, Sibylle Mencik von Zebinsky, Benoît Mernier, Christian Renard, Baroness Michèle Sioen, Baron Hugo Vandamme, Christian Van Thillo
Executive Committee
Jan Huyghebaert
Vice-president: Count Yvan de Launoit
Secretary to H.M. the Queen: Machteld Fostier
Members: Nicolas Dernoncourt, Bernard Foccroulle, Gilles Ledure, Bernard Meillat, Christian Renard, Marie Vander Elst
Secretary general: Nicolas Dernoncourt
New media & Archives: Valeria Ciccarello
Communication & Events Assistant: Hanne De Graef
Administration: Geoffroy Delhez
Production: Guillaume Knop
Communication: Barbara Stael
Fundraising & Protocol: Marie Vander Elst
Contact a team memberThe Queen Elisabeth Competition is a founding member of the